Renowned Explorers: International Society Wiki

On every Expedition you will be encountering different events. At every such event you will be required to choose from different options and more often than not fight Enemies, which may lead to different outcomes and Treasures. The chances of success of every event may be improved with certain Skills. Most events are not very important, but some of them can yield greater treasures.

Encounters[ | ]

Challenges[ | ]

  • Cultural challenge icon Cultural challenge: a Diplomat or Archaeologist may be useful.
  • Wits challenge icon Wits challenge: A Tactician, Beguiler or Quick Thinker may be useful.
  • Nature challenge icon Nature challenge: an Athlete, Naturalist or Survivalist may be useful.
  • Technique challenge icon Technique challenge: An Engineer or Rogue may be useful.

Expeditions[ | ]

Celtic Code[ | ]

The Celtic Code
Basic starting event that allows you to go through the tutorial.
Ancient Woodlands
An event, where you can find a treasure.
Druidic Disputes
Keeper of the Grove
The final event of the expidition, where you fight with Amir Akhtar.

Roche's lost treasure[ | ]

The Unknown Expedition
When you first time come to the island you get this encounter. You are attacked by a group of pirates and have to fight your way through.
Magnificent Shadow
An epic encounter, where you can choose to fight with Titan Ape.
The Pirate Treasure
The final event of the mission.

Mali Mystery[ | ]

Tribal Treasures
When you first time come to the island you get this encounter. It works both as an introduction event and as the final event of the expidition.
The Crystal Cave
An epic encounter.
A new chapter

Egyptian Expedition[ | ]

The Obelisk
An epic encounter, where you can acquire a rare treasure.
A New Captain?
You crew leader is lot in a sandstorm and you must elect a substitute for her, while searching.
The Red Pyramid
An epic encounter.

Anagogic Archipelago[ | ]

Ancient Stupa
Four "Ancient Stupa" are scattered across the map, marked by a "Special Event" indicator each. Activating them gives three choices and the same choice can be selected up to three times granting different bonuses each time:

Red Tiger
First activation: 3 Encounter icon Encounter tokens.
Second activation: Reveals a spot with an Archaeologist and Engineer check and gives the option to travel there.
Third activation: Each crew member gains the Athlete - Tenacious perk.

Blue Turtle
First activation: 6 Collect icon Collect tokens.
Second activation: Reveals a spot with a Survivalist check and gives the option to travel there.
Third activation: Each crew member gains the Archaeologist - Legends perk.

Green Komodo Dragon
First activation: 6 Status icon Status tokens.
Second activation: Reveals a spot to fight some birds and gives the option to travel there.
Third activation: Each crew member gains the Survivalist - Spotting perk.
